Open for Bids

Financial Advisory Services

Open for Bids

Financial Advisory Services

Bids Due
10/30/2024 at 4:00 PM ET
Pool / Bond Bank / Conduit
Rhode Island
Listing Date

Project Description

Scope of Services

The scope of services to be provided will include, but not be limited to, the following:

  1. Advise Bank management on its overall approach to its financings, working with the Bank’s finance team noted above and other issuance participants including underwriters, underwriters’ counsel, rating agencies, trustees, et al.
  2. Assist with financings, including specific advice on current market dynamics, syndicate policies, issue price and structure.
  3. Assist in the bidding of services and coordination of vendors required for bond issuances, including for production of official statements, trustee or paying agent services, verification agent, etc.).
  4. Assist management in the development and presentation of information to rating agencies including supporting analysis and default tolerance analysis and assist with responses to annual rating agency surveillance questionnaires.
  5. Assist in the evaluation of the availability and economics of credit enhancements.
  6. Assist management in developing and implementing investor relations and marketing plans with the Bank’s financings.
  7. Prepare credit review memoranda for borrower applications. Present credit reviews and recommendations to Bank’s Board of Directors.
  8. Evaluate proposals on new products, refunding opportunities and other financing ideas that the Bank receives from time to time.
  9. Provide independent recommendations on the management of the Bank’s debt including, but not limited to, refunding and redemption including evaluation of debt defeasance opportunities.
  10. Assist in the review and analysis of State and Federal legislation pertaining to the Bank’s financing programs.
  11. Provide market information and respond to other information requests on a regular basis.
  12. Provide advice and assistance in the development of long‐range budgets, forecasts, and financing plans of the Bank, including analyses of program capacity.
  13. Assist management with special projects relating to debt issuance, debt management and debt reporting, assist with pricing of loans, et al.
  14. Assist in the analysis and bidding of investments of bond proceeds, other program funds, and operating funds, as requested.
  15. Assist management in its compliance with IRS arbitrage rebate regulations for tax‐exempt securities. The advisor will provide a written report describing the calculation methods used and deliver appropriate supporting documentation for the rebate calculations. The advisor will provide IRS Form 8038‐T (or applicable form) when a penalty/rebate payment is due and a statement summarizing the determination of the amount to be paid to the IRS at such time as required by law. Complete annual rebate calculation within 30 days of the Bank’s fiscal year end.
  16. Assist the Bank in meeting its Continuing Disclosure requirements.
  17. Other projects related to the development of current or new Bank programs, including but not limited to program development for funding of resiliency projects.

Submission Requirements

 Proposal Submission: Electronic submission is required. Proposals should be submitted in PDF format to:

          Joanna L’Heureux, CFO
          Rhode Island Infrastructure Bank
          RE: RFP – Financial Advisory Services

Submission of Responses

  1. To be considered, all proposals must be clearly marked “RFP – Financial Advisory Services” and include the following:

    1. Cover letter signed by an individual authorized to commit the firm to a financial advisory agreement with the Bank;

    2. Responses to the questions asked and information requested in this RFP; and

    3. Letter from the firm’s Chief Executive Officer or managing partner, certifying that the firm and individuals representing the firm have not engaged in direct or indirect unauthorized communication with Bank officials regarding this RFP.

  2. Proposals may not exceed the page limits specified. Page limits are given for each Part A through Part D. Excluded from these page limits are the cover letter, the firm’s affirmative action policy description and the no unauthorized communication certification. Brief and concise responses which keep boiler plate information to a minimum are encouraged. Page limits are intended to set limits; not targets.

  3. Joint proposals will not be considered.

  4. The Bank reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to reject any and all responses, to waive any minor irregularities or informalities in a response and to enter into any agreement deemed by the State to be in its best interest. The Bank may select one or more financial advisors to provide the services outlined in this RFP.

Have a question?

Contact us if you need more information or have questions about this RFP.